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Code of Conduct

Student code of conduct

- All students must arrive 5 minutes prior to lesson and wait outside. they are not to enter into the classroom until the teacher allows them inside.

- Students must understand that dance is not only fun it is also a discipline. This means that you may be given directions in order to improve. 

- Hair must always be up to ensure it is out of face and not a distraction.

- No toys are to be brought to class unless asked.

- We have a STRICT no bullying policy. Just like in school you must respect your peers and teacher with respect like you wish to be treated.

- All students must listen to the teacher and do as told, failure to do so will result in speaking to parents. If behaviour becomes out of control removal from studio will be considered. 

- Just like in school you must display excellent behaviour. We want you to have fun but it can be challenging when you want to talk to your friends and do not listen. This becomes a distraction to the whole class and takes away from your learning time. Use before and after class to catch up with your friends you may not see everyday at school.


Parents Code of Conduct

- All fees must be paid by due date. If payments cannot be made by the date please request a payment plan before the date. Failure to make contact will result in overdue fees. Further failure to pay before end of term will result in 3rd party collection agency being employed by the studio.

- Please let us know before class if your child is sick or away.

- If you have any questions or enquiries please speak to us outside of class times. Classes run back to back and we do not have time to speak between classes as this takes away class time from other students.

- If your child decides they do not wish to continue dancing please let us know that they will not be returning. Preferably this decisions must be made no later then Term 1 as by Term 2 we are teaching the concert dances. If students are still continuing classes in Term 2 it is assumed that they will be performing in the concert. Leaving classes in Term 3 can be quite fustrating for the teachers and students having to change around dances before the concert and can cause alot of stress. So please speak to your child before the end of Term 1 and ask them if they want to continue and do the concert, as this will save alot of stress and anxiety with the young ones having to change dances.

- Please follow us on Temora Dance Centre Private Group for constant updates as well as checking emails often and if notes come.

- If you chose to use a creative or active kids voucher for fees the full $100 will be used. If your child is only doing 1 class which is $85 the remaining $15 will carry over and be taken off the total for the next term.

- Please take into consideration to run the end of year concert we will need many helpers to make lighter work and a smooth concert for your little ones.

- There will also be a costume higher fee for the concert that must be paid prior to the concert. Please understand that costumes are not cheap and in order to afford nice costumes we must have help paying for them.

- Please dont hesitate to speak to us if you or your child are having problems in class, or finding the class to easy or hard. We want everyone to have a pleasant experience at our studio.


Code of Conduct: Text
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